
 原始照片 結果照片 此作業中,我首先使用線上圖片編輯軟體裁切照片,接著再使用手機修圖軟體幫圖片加上邊框。如今是個科技的時代,不論何種領域的人們都或多或少會接觸到科技相關軟體,尤其是照片編輯,使用各種技術套上不同邊框、濾鏡,再加以調色,單調的照片就立即煥然一新,並散發出編輯者獨特的個人風格,為原先的照片增添一番風味。
 The Reason Why I Study CSE      A few years ago, I watched a video about Arduino on Youtube and lost my heart to it. From then on, I found that I was happy when I am learning how to program codes. Whenever I finished a project, I felt pretty accomplished. Hence, I made up my mind to become a programmer when I was in high school.